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Financial Literacy Training Recognition

Our CNB bankers love sharing tips for financial success out in the community. After all, our Bank’s vision is that we can help each of our clients to create a financial plan that will enable them to achieve their dreams. Recently, one of our Personal Bankers, Rebecca Brown, was recognized for her commitment to provide financial literacy education. The 150th Brigade Engineer at Camp Shelby in Hattiesburg, presented Rebecca with an Award for Financial Excellence in Education on September 23, 2023. Earlier in the summer of this year, Rebecca conducted a 2-hour, fun and educational session for the servicemen and gave them a refresher on the best practices for budgeting, saving, and building credit. They even played a game of CNB Jeopardy to test their knowledge of all they had learned during the class. Our Bank is very appreciative of our country’s military, and we are proud of Rebecca for representing our Bank so well. We are also very proud of all the servicemen who participated in the class and who were interested in bettering themselves financially. Keep up the great work!

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